Monday 1 April 2013

Hide and seek

What is the truth? I look around and keep asking myself and God which part of the world is real? I have a feeling that He will answer that it's all of it. It is the reality into which we were born, and so many people live their daily lives without these difficult question WHY DO WE DO WHAT WE DO? The thing is, I guess, that some of the reality that we see is a veil put on our eyes so that we wouldn't see more, that we wouldn't see the full picture. Someone is trying very hard to keep us from looking around, to keep us in our tunnel-vision. We go to work, get into a system there, we eat, we drink, we sleep, we get into the cars and drive, and I don't know if you have this feeling, at least from time to time, that we are being made into machines, into robots with controlled actions or, better to say, minds. And if you don't fit in, you are simply dismissed: not accepted, laughed at, ignored, considered mental, threatened, etc.. People with developmental impairments, I would say, are the best example of it. But someone is trying to work on them, too. All kind of games are used to get you into the system, into the structure. They say, 'It has always been this way. Our fathers, and their fathers did this' or 'We need to progress' or all kind of other "arguments". They are nice, they are harsh. I'm not surprised that people get lost in the midst of all these changes, new technologies, etc. I'm not surprised people lose faith, trust in God, because there is so much deceit around that it is really difficult to believe something is true. It actually starts to be very hard to even trust your own ability to think and search for truth. And here is where the system gets you: when you start doubting your beliefs and stop thinking and discerning critically what "people say", you become a very easy target for control. Then something that is pleasant for you becomes the bait to hook you deathly... Thinking of all this, I'm asking myself, 'Is there a man being with whom I will not have to compromise my beliefs, but share them in a together life?' If there is one, I'd like to ask him, 'Will you marry me?' Don't laugh at me:) I know that sometimes it sounds cheesy, and sometimes girlish... or maybe not that sometimes. But I believe as men and women we were created to be together, not remain single. I simply don't want compromise who I am. I don't want to exchange my freedom in Christ for anything that will inhibit its sparkle that many people admire and envy. They want it, but don't want to give away the garbage they hold on to, and I treasure what I have in Christ more than any riches of the world, more than tradition, more than a mere man. Nothing can compare to the life in Christ that was given to me (and everyone can choose to have it). But laws of nature that were put in me and every man and woman in the beginning of creation, are alive in me, and they are needed, but because of sin, they need to be kept in place by regulations...
So, my question remains... Is there a man...?

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